Allow your audience member to cut the deck as they please, it won’t matter. This force deck allows the magician to always be in control. 52 quality cards, with instructions included. Blue color. Red deck is sold separately.
One card selected from a red deck is the ONLY missing card from a blue deck. When you turn over the selected card, it has a RED back!
Self Working. Easy to do!No Rough and Smooth.Comes with 2 - Special Bicyce Decks.
Jumbo Sized All Directional Deluxe Electric Deck The world's first and only Jumbo Electric Deck! Perfect for Mcees, Jugglers, Magicians and Clowns!
Completely Self-Working! No Strings!
Hello, My Name Is Bob!You name their card before they tell you what it is! You name it BOB! All the cards are shown to have different names, except for the chosen card!