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Divine the astrological sign and day of birth of anyone in secondsYou NEVER ask a question.You NEVER touch the astrological book.It uses a mind-blowing new method.It fits in your pocket.It's always ready.No anagrams.You can repeat it immediately.Bilingual Read more..
The performer hands a spectator a small notebook which contains all the signs of the Zodiac. The spectator secretly finds his astrological sign and writes down his name. Despite the fact that the performer never sees the spectator's sign, and without any "fishing" or moves, the performer instantly names the spectator's sign of the Zodiac! Next, the spectator looks through the book and finds the page numbered with the year of his birth. Again, without any questions or moves, the performer instantly knows the day and month in which the spectator was born!
Astrological Sign by Eduardo Kozuch
Know Your Spectator's Zodiac Sign and Date of Birth!
Comes complete with full-color, spiralbound booklet, "crib sheets" and detailed instructions.
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